Wabisabi is an extension of the ongoing Primrose Promises project with research conducted in Hokkaido, Japan over 3 months during 2014.
Wabisabi is a drawing where the natural chemistry from pants are used as the sole source of pigment for its drawn representation, the overall effect of which is a deconstructed landscape drawing of Hokkaido, Japan. Elements sampled from the environment present a map of the island’s physical geography, its biodiversity as well as its history. Thus the work is a visual and chemical fingerprint completely unique to Hokkaido's environment. Wabisabi engages conservation, landscape and art in unconventional ways so that viewers can gain a new understanding of geography, biology as well as their relationship to it. The drawing using Pencil, marker, found object and plant pigments. 2014 Made during the Tokachi Artist in Residence. |