Event Horizon
6m x 4m x 16m
Materials: re-purposed and scrap wood, 1,100 screws, 5 days
@Sigulda, Latvia
6m x 4m x 16m
Materials: re-purposed and scrap wood, 1,100 screws, 5 days
@Sigulda, Latvia
Most commonly an Event Horizon, as described in general relativity, is the point around a black hole where the gravity becomes so great that nothing is able to escape and the fabric of space/time collapses in on itself.
Event Horizon was designed and constructed by Justin Tyler Tate with no assistance except for with bringing materials to the site and no machinery except for corded and a cordless drill. Event Horizon is an installation created for 'TimeLine Hotel', a part of Survival Kit 4, in Sigulda, Latvia during September of 2012 The photos of Event Horizon, to the right, are by Didzis Grodzs. |